
Minders is free to try, but requires a subscription to use beyond the free limits.

You may subscribe for $1.99 (USD) per month or $17.99 (USD) per year (a savings of 25%).*

Each subscription provides a one-week free trial, which you can cancel at any time before the week is up and you will not be charged.

Here’s what you get with a subscription:

* Exact pricing depends on region

How to Cancel

You can cancel your subscription conveniently on your iOS device or on your Mac. Here’s information on how to cancel.

If you cancel, you will continue to have access to your posts in the main feed. You will only be limited in the special filter tabs, and you will not be able to create more than 20 posts per stream, nor will you be able to create new streams. All existing streams will continue to be available to you.

Free Limits

Free users are limited to 20 posts and the special filter tabs will only show 5 results.

Free users can always read all of their posts in the main feed. You will never be locked out of your posts even if you cancel your subscription.

Even without a subscription, all of your posts will continue to be synced across all of your devices.

If you are on a free trial, you will get access to everything, as if you were a paying subscriber. If you’re happy with the service and do not cancel before the trial ends, you will begin the subscription.

One-Time Purchase

Are you tired of subscriptions? I’m working to add a one-time purchase option to the app. If this is something you’d love to see, drop me a line: